Friday, October 5, 2012

my personal challenge kpi to fulfill ....

our pms ( mind u, its performance management system ) consists of  several kpi ( key performance indicator ), one of which is a personal challenge that carries 5% weightage.  it had only been implemented 3 years ago. it may sound fun  .... it CAN be fun  ...  but sometimes u really need to crack ur head to set it, let alone to achieve it !!  hahahaha  ....

my first year challenge was to lose weight  ....  base target at 3kg, stretched target at 5kg.  i achieved my base target  .... okay laa kannn.  the following year, i set to participate in at least 2 treasure hunt event  ... me & my hunt frens went for 3  ....  huhuuuuuuuuu.  & this year ? okay, to go for 1 domestic holiday, 1 international ( this include singapore ) holiday.

its already october  ...  & i have not gone to any yet !  my plan then ? well, the family will be going down to muar for my nephew's wedding on the 20th of this month.  so, we have made plans to put up a nite in melaka on the way back.  we'll go out for ikan-bakar + seafood dinner, to jonker's walk, & perhaps the river cruise.  a fantastic domestic holiday, don't u think ?  ni pi cruise kat amsterdam laa, chiang mai river laa  ...  kat negara sendiri tak penah pon. thats the plan for the domestic hols.

& the international holiday ?  the current plan is, worse come to worst, we'll go down to singapore.  have fun at the sentosa island, universal studio, & shopping !  however, i may be going somewhere next month.  where ?  that, we'll all just have to wait & see  ....  perhaps wait for the pics i'll post in this blog nanti  ....  if jadi pegi laa kannn  .....

so, do wait & see yer !